if America falls, so does the world.


It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick.

We have little reason to believe a Republican mojority will immediatley develop a backbone. Republicans have had total control in the past and did little to nothing to promote conservative values. This must change. Every one of them will make countelss promises while on the campaign trail only to dissappoint once elected. We see this in every election cycle. This is our first task. We must rid the party of RINO’s. If we fail - nothing changes (again). Bending to the lobbyist, voting with the democrats, wavering on conservative principles is simply unacceptable. If unwilling to represent us, they must be removed. It will take time to “clean house”.

Under construction

Officia ut enim et incididunt fugiat aliqua eu aliqua non sed, sunt nulla occaecat non ea! Sed exercitation do lorem dolore! Irure, exercitation nostrud eu sed adipisicing exercitation in commodo deserunt pariatur eiusmod ut adipisicing. Magna commodo nostrud non nulla, quis dolor eu sit non dolore minim id eu elit reprehenderit. Magna dolore, eiusmod culpa nostrud in quis. Culpa anim aliquip dolor elit voluptate nisi anim incididunt do ut fugiat, quis nostrud incididunt reprehenderit. Incididunt ad ut aliquip lorem cillum voluptate labore eiusmod. Sit incididunt ut, in eiusmod, labore ea velit fugiat cupidatat.
if America falls, so does the world.


It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick.

We have little reason to believe a Republican mojority will immediatley develop a backbone. Republicans have had total control in the past and did little to nothing to promote conservative values. This must change. Every one of them will make countelss promises while on the campaign trail only to dissappoint once elected. We see this in every election cycle. This is our first task. We must rid the party of RINO’s. If we fail - nothing changes (again). Bending to the lobbyist, voting with the democrats, wavering on conservative principles is simply unacceptable. If unwilling to represent us, they must be removed. It will take time to “clean house”.

Under construction

Officia ut enim et incididunt fugiat aliqua eu aliqua non sed, sunt nulla occaecat non ea! Sed exercitation do lorem dolore! Irure, exercitation nostrud eu sed adipisicing exercitation in commodo deserunt pariatur eiusmod ut adipisicing. Magna commodo nostrud non nulla, quis dolor eu sit non dolore minim id eu elit reprehenderit. Magna dolore, eiusmod culpa nostrud in quis. Culpa anim aliquip dolor elit voluptate nisi anim incididunt do ut fugiat, quis nostrud incididunt reprehenderit. Incididunt ad ut aliquip lorem cillum voluptate labore eiusmod. Sit incididunt ut, in eiusmod, labore ea velit fugiat cupidatat.